Call for papers | Antiracist Education Today: Some Critical Perspectives

Edited by Cristina Breuza, Daniel Buraschi and Chiara Vanadia.
Antiracist education is currently undergoing profound transformation and critical revision of its theoretical, methodological, and practical foundations. The increasing institutionalization of racism, the problematization of intercultural approaches and their actual educational and political implications, the intensification of antiracist mobilizations, the spread of critical perspectives such as coloniality and intersectionality, as well as the self-organization experiences of racialized people and the theoretical proposals emerging from these struggles outline a complex and diversified scenario.
This intricate panorama is driven by a strong desire for renewal aimed at deeply redefining the paradigms of antiracist education by promoting approaches that highlight the agency of racialized individuals and groups, the structural dimension of racism, and the role of educational institutions in reproducing racism.
The Primopiano section of the journal "Educazione Aperta" seeks to contribute to this debate by offering a space for dialogue and reflection on current and future challenges. We invite proposals for articles that delve into highly relevant topics, specifically (but not exclusively) in the following areas:
● Educational implications of migration policies and citizenship legislation.
● Critical perspectives, including post-colonial, decolonial, and anti-colonial contributions; critical race theory; Black and Indigenous feminism; whiteness studies; Afrocentric education; and intersectionality with other struggles against discrimination (feminism, ableism, class struggle, antispeciesism, etc.).
● Theoretical analyses based on categories such as "racialized person," "white privilege," "institutional racism," "structural racism," "color-blindness," "situated racism," "reparation," "racial capitalism," "hate speech," "religious racism," "affirmative policies," and their educational implications.
● Experiences and best practices in critical antiracist education; the role of formal education, as well as antiracist practices in community and non-formal spaces, in promoting processes of emancipation and critical antiracism.
● The role of racialized teachers and educators in antiracist education, antiracist training for public school teachers, the centrality of "second generations," and the Afro-descendant population in promoting antiracist education.
Contributions from various actors in the knowledge production process (individuals involved in academic and non-academic research, professional and social work, art, activism, etc.) are particularly welcome. Submitted articles must be unpublished. They may be written in Italian, English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Authors must strictly adhere to the editorial guidelines available at this link:
We invite those interested to submit an article by February 10, 2025, to the email address: By April 2025, the editorial team will notify whether the submission has successfully passed the double-blind review process. Accepted articles will be published in issue 18 of "Educazione Aperta", scheduled for release in the summer of 2025.
Cover: Williamsburg Bridge, New York, United States. Leonardo Burgos on Unsplash